I Am, Here, Now.

Why do we find it so difficult to accept ourselves, our situation, our immanent treasures and celebrate life in the present moment?
Why is there a constant stirring in our breast telling us that this is not enough. That we should do more, think more, ask for more, be more and ideally be it somewhere else?

Do you find that you are almost never content or that the feeling of contentment is fleeting at best and quickly replaced with the question “what now?”.
Well, you’re not alone. And this condition, often referred to as the human condition, is at the heart of much philosophical exploration and teaching.

Can you imagine a state of being in which you could accept and live with the following three concepts:
1. I am.
2. Here.
3. Now.

At School of Philosophy we explore those three concepts on a regular basis.
The aim of this work being that we learn to accept the profundity of the statement “I am” and the wonder it entails.
We bring our awareness to where it deserves to be, “here” and come into the present moment “now”.

In his book “The Creative Act: A Way of Being”, Rick Rubin says of patience:
“Patience is developed much like awareness. Through an acceptance of what is. Impatience is an argument with reality. The desire for something to be different from what we are experiencing in the here and now. A wish for time to speed up, tomorrow to come sooner, to relive yesterday, or to close your eyes then open them and find yourself in another place.”

We cannot be happy when we are a slave to our irrational imaginations and desires.
Our aim should be to train our mind to be here now and treasure whatever is going on in the life right now.
This moment will pass, never to be the same again, that precious moment past. Take the time to be in the present and see what life truly has to offer.
You can even go so far as to plan a possible future while remaining in the present moment.

I am. Here. Now.

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268 West Tamaki Road
Wai O Taiki Bay
Auckland 1072
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