The Pursuit of the Empty Mind

So much of life is about acquisition.

Acquiring knowledge.
Acquiring comfort.
Acquiring Love.
Acquiring status and possessions.

Where does all this acquiring lead?

Having acquired, are we full?
If we’re honest with ourselves, the pursuit of acquisitions seems to lead to a permanent state of neediness.
The need for more, more, more. And the real appreciation of less.

Isn’t this especially true when we consider our own identity?
How much of who we are is true?
How much is just something we’ve acquired; to help us feel better about ourselves, our place in society?

This acquired identity often serves to hinder our own inner growth.
How can we be our true selves when our inner spaces are so crowded by acquired identities? Thoughts, beliefs, prejudices, insecurities.
When we begin to examine our inner self, it becomes plainly obvious that what is there isn’t valid. If it were, it wouldn’t change on an almost hourly basis depending on some external or internal stimuli. The true self would be constant.

To seek the truth about oneself (and others!) we need to empty the mind of its false and often limiting notions and open ourselves up to the unlimited possibilities of who we might really be. To seek the truth one need not just open the mind but, if possible, empty it also.
So that it might admit greater wonders and glory. A true self-encounter.

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